"Lets sell some potatoes..."

Seaview Crek Farm owner Bill Parr, making a delivery of fresh potatoes to a Virginia Beach Produce stand. these are known as "red Creamers"

Seaview Crek Farm owner Bill Parr, making a delivery of fresh potatoes to a Virginia Beach Produce stand. these are known as "red Creamers"


"Those crops are not going to just sell themselves"

words spoken by a farmer to his young son at the turn of the century. And as usual, father knows best.

The need to promote the crops, find new markets and buyers is constant.  It dovetails with the need to cultivate interest in creating value added products, new uses for the produce, leading edge recipes for institutional uses in restaurants and processing, and more.

Small farms like Seaview Creek can play a valuable role as boutique producers that develop relationships with buyers and users of the crops we grow.

"We are always on the lookout for a restaurant that might be willing to feature one of our seasonal products on the menu during harvest seasons" said Bill Parr, the farm owner in a recent interview "We never know who the next big buyer might be, or what value they might add to the crops in processing"

We welcome the chance to talk with everyone from home cooks and restaurant chefs, to institutional processors about pricing, availability and custom grown crops. Give us a call today, lets Talk Potatoes!